Results from today's Dakota Valley Conference meet in Hendricks, MN. Great job to all our shark runners, everyone ran a varsity 5k today! I am so proud of all your hard work this season, now on to regions next Wednesday! Top 20 Medal* Girls Varsity 5k (44 runners) Mallory Carlson: 12th (22:29)* Airabella Deysel: 41st (26:50) Alise Hope:43rd (27:39) Boys Varsity 5k (30 runners) Tobias Arbeiter: 5th (18:23)* AJ Wienk: 12th (19:32)* Peyton Hope: 28th (25:59) Lane Jensen: 30th (26:51)
over 2 years ago, Scott Beehler
Amazing job shark runners at our XC meet in Howard on Monday! Keep working hard, regions is right around the corner! Go Sharks! Also a big thank you to the Iroquois 5th grade class for the good luck cards during homecoming last week! Top 20 medaled* in Varsity & Top 20 ribbons+ in JV Girls Varsity 5k (44 runners) -Mallory Carlson: 14th (21:46)* Boys Varsity 5k (51 runners) -Tobias Arbeiter: 10th (17:50, PR)* -AJ Wienk: 20th (19:02, PR)* Girls JV 4k (11 runners) -Alise Hope: 1st (18:17, PR)+ -Airabella Deysel: 4th (18:56, PR)+ Boys JV 4k (23 runners) -Payton Hope: 8th (17:17, PR)+ -Lane Jensen: 14th (18:21, PR)+
over 2 years ago, Scott Beehler
2022 XC thank you cards from 5th grade
2022 XC medals/ribbons from the Howard meet
Join HOSA at the Hunter’s Breakfast on Sunday, October 16th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Hunter Breakfast
Iroquois Elementary families, we are holding a Read-a-thon and we really would love if everyone would participate. If you have not already done so, please click on this link to activate your reader’s personal page: You can do it all a minute or two!! We can’t wait to see how many total minutes our kids can read!! We are going to have some fun reading and earning prizes!! .
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Read a thon flyer
Our amazing lunch ladies served up a hot dog and hamburger picnic lunch for us yesterday. Unfortunately, the SD wind did not cooperate so we had to eat inside but the kindergarten through fifth graders were excited that they got to all eat together!!
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Lunch time
Pep band playing before the homecoming football game
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Pep band
Pep band
The football cheerleaders made some little girls' homecoming night even more special by taking pictures with them!!! The girls had so much fun cheering with the cheerleaders!
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Cheerleaders & Little Cheerleaders
Little Cheerleader
Elementary students treated all the Iroquois-Lake Preston athletes with special good luck cards and treats for their homecoming week games & activities. Cross Country was treated by 5th Grade Volleyball was treated by 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades Competitive Cheer was treated by Kindergarten Football Cheer was treated by First Grade Football was treated by the whole elementary who learned cheers for the pep rally that was held Friday morning!!
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Volleyball and Cheer Good luck Cards
Football Cheerleaders with cards
Elementary students and staffed joined in on the HOSA game day walk yesterday. They helped clean up the town while on their walk by picking up trash.
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Cleaning up town
cleaning up town
Headed back for pep rally
Cleaning up town
Link for HC FB tonight!! GO SHARKS!!
over 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
7th Grade Art Students showing off their Sharks Homecoming posters.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Dant
7th grade girls with their posters
7th grade boys with their posters
This afternoon some of the football cheerleaders taught the elementary students a few cheers that they can help cheer at the pep rally and football game tomorrow!!
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
The Homecoming Royalty Court has been reading to the elementary students this week. Today they read to Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th.
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
2nd Grade
Fifth grade
Great result from the Colman-Egan Meet today! Nice job Iroquois-Lake Preston Cross Country runners! You work so hard, keep giving it your all as we move towards regions! Go Sharks! Top 15 medaled* in Varsity & Top 10 in JV Girls Varsity 5k (44 runners) -Mallory Carlson: 12th (21:45, PR)* Boys Varsity 5k (35 runners) -Tobias Arbeiter: 13th (19:26)* -AJ Wienk: 14th (19:30, PR)* Girls JV 4k (25 runners) -Alise Hope: 10th (20:17. PR)* -Airabella Deysel: 12th (20:59, PR) Boys JV 4k (32 runners) -Payton Hope: 15th (18:32, PR) -Nathan Enninga: 21st (19:41) -Lane Jensen: 26th (20:41)
over 2 years ago, Scott Beehler
Parents: Please note that school will dismiss a bit early on Friday due to HC activities. Busses will run about 30 minutes early on Friday. Call the school with any questions. Thank you. WE ARE ... IROQUOIS!!
over 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Another very good day for Iroquois-Lake Preston Cross Country at the Groton Invitational Cross Country Meet on Monday! Amazing job, Go Sharks! Top 15 medaled* in Varsity & JV Girls Varsity 5k (22 runners) -Mallory Carlson: 6th (23:07)* Boys Varsity 5k (48 runners) -Tobias Arbeiter: 7th (19:27)* -AJ Wienk: 19th (20:50) Girls JV 3k (17 runners) -Airabella Deysel: 12th (15:58)* Boys JV 3k (27 runners) -Nathan Enninga: 14th (14:28)* -Lane Jensen: 18th (15:05)
over 2 years ago, Scott Beehler
To all that ordered VB spirit gear through the Fan Cloth fundraiser: I called the number below and was given a discount on my charges. I asked if I could just take care of all and the answer was no. Here is the number if interested. 1-866-897-3349 GO SHARKS!!
over 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Little Chief time in the elementary this morning. Little Chief time is a time where students work on and enhance theirs skills.
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Little chief time
Little Chief time
Little Chief time
Little Chief time
Elementary student council met with Mrs. Burma this morning and worked on a homecoming project for the elementary lockers.
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
3rd grade student council members
Girls working on project
Working on project
Elementary student council and advisor
Elementary dress up days for Homecoming next week!
over 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Dress Up Days