Mrs. Eckmann's second grade class hosted their very own Macy's Day parade this morning for the elementary classes. They each made their own balloon after reading the book "Balloons Over Broadway." It is a story about how the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade came to be what it is today.
Kindergarten received their final alphabet letter from other kindergarten classes from around the country. They received a letter from a school that started with every letter in the alphabet. The classes shared information about their school and state.
Upcoming Sporting Events in Shark Nation:
11/25 GBB Practice Starts
12/2 BBB Practice Starts
12/2 GBB Jamboree in IR 6pm (Referee Clinic)(Score not kept)
12/7 WR @ Clark 9am
12/10 Shark Winter Sports Pictures
12/12 WR @ Desmet 5pm
12/12 GBB @ ORR JH @ 5:00, JV @ 6:00, V @ 7:15
12/13 BBB @ ORR JH @ 5:00, JV @ 6:00, V @ 7:15
12/14 WR @ Howard 10am
Congratulations to Hadlee on being named to the the 281 All-Conference 2nd Team!
The students were super excited to play in the first snow of the season! Please make sure that your kids have appropriate attire. Everyone needs heavy coat, snowpants, boots, hats and gloves. We have a limited supply of clothing to lend out when someone forgets theirs. We want everyone to be safe and warm when playing!!!
Due to inclimate weather, there will be NO after-school activities/practices/open gyms/etc. Drive safe!
Reminder if you are participating in a winter sport, we will be having the Parent/Athlete Informational Meeting in IROQUOIS TONIGHT (11-19-24) @ 6:30 pm in North Gym. Please make plans to attend for paperwork, specific sport information, schedules, etc. GO SHARKS!!
IPAT and the Iroquois Methodist Church are having a NON-PERISHABLE ITEM Food Drive from Nov. 5-27. Elementary Students bring 3 items; MS/HS Students bring 5 items. Drop off in HS Library to Ms. Bohlander. NO OUTDATED items, please.
Friday the elementary finished up their read-a-thon with their pajama day (250 minutes) and snack time (all students received for reading so much). The kids especially were surprised by their snacks on their desks when they came in front last recess. A snack mix and hot cocoa with whipped topping and chocolate chips! There was even a little surprise saying on the bottom of the snack filled coffee filter. The kids loved them so much many took them home 💖 Some times it is the little things that mean the most 💖
A few dates to keep in mind regarding athletics:
Nov 19th - Winter Sports Parent Meeting in IR @ 6:30
Nov 25th - First day of HS Girls BB Practice
Dec 2nd - First day of HS Boys BB Practice
Dec 10th - Winter Sports Pictures in IR @ 3:00
Please make sure your 6th-12th grade student completes their physical and consent/concussion forms if they did not participate in a fall sport. They must be completed before they are allowed to practice!
Congratulations to Ryne being named DVC All-Conference, and Rowdy being named DVC All-Conference Honorable Mention! Go Sharks!
Congratulations to Hadlee being named DVC All-Conference, and Kera being named DVC All-Conference Honorable Mention! Go Sharks!
Puzzle number six!
Reminder: Friday, November 15, Iroquois school will have a REGULAR SCHOOL DAY. Call the school with questions!! GO CHIEFS!!
Today is World Kindness Day! The elementary student council held a fun activity with the elementary students this morning. Each student received a balloon and wrote their name on it. All of the balloons were placed in the hall and they had to find their balloon. They helped each other find their balloons. It was fun to see the kids working together and being extra kind while looking for their balloons.
As Mr. Rogers once said, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” Happy World Kindness Day!
Upcoming events in Shark Nation:
11/11 Veterans Day Program
11/12 5th/6th Basketball vs SCW in IR 6:00pm
11/16 5th/6th Basketball @ JVC 10:00am
11/18 5th/6th Basketball vx WW in LP 6:00
11/19 Winter Sports Parent Meeting in IR 6:30
Below is a link to the Boys Basketball Store. The store is open until Sunday November 17th at 11:59 pm!
Below is the link to the Girls Basketball Store! Store closes Wednesday November 13th at 11:59pm!
As part of her Senior Capstone Experience, Breelyn is currently accepting donations or travel size personal hygiene products. (Deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair products, lotion, and feminine products) Breelyn will be meeting with students in grades 4-7 to discuss personal hygiene. She will be using the products donated to make personal kits for each student. Donations may be left at the school. Thank you for your support of this project.
Because of the painting in the gym, the gym will be unavailable periodically for the next few week. It will be off limits tonight and tomorrow night.