A quick thank you to all that participated and hlelped serve at open house at Iroquois last night. The Dawson fundraiser was a HUGE success = $3230!! Thanks to all that donated baskets. What a GREAT COMMUNITY we have in Iroquois!! GO CHIEFS!!
FCCLA members Madi, Emma, Chenoa, and Kali are attending Teens as Teachers training today in DeSmet.
Iroquois School has 25 yearbooks ordered at a cost of $40/book. Don't hesitate to contact the school to reserve your copy.
We would like to invite all our families and anyone considering Iroquois for your educational choice to our open house on Tue., Aug. 15. An image is attached with more details. GO CHIEFS!!
Yearbooks are available through the Shutterfly Link attached. The best practice for ordering is to watch for the deals Shutterfly offers throughout the year. The current deal is 40% off, however, this deal ends on Aug. 9th.
Just a word of encouragement. Have a great day. GO CHIEFS!!
To order shark football gear!! GO SHARKS 🦈!!
We have scheduled open counseling times at the Methodist Church in Iroquois with Pastor Tia for anyone struggling with the accident of Dawson Laible. Pastor Tia will be available from 1200-300 on Fri, Aug 4 and 900-1200 on Sat., Aug. 5. Reach out if needed. Thanks Pastor Tia!!
Fire Hall – Yale, South Dakota
Voters residing in Yale Town;
Cavour, Foster, Barrett, Liberty Twps.
Cavour City Hall aka St. Patrick Hall – Cavour, South Dakota
Voters residing in Cavour Town;
Richland and Pearl Creek Twps.
Fire Hall – Iroquois, South Dakota
Voters residing in Iroquois Town;
Banner, Logan, Belle Prairie Twps;
all Kingsbury County electors.
Reminder to Iroquois school district voters of the school opt out election TOMORROW, Tuesday, August 1. Polls in Cavour, Iroquois, Yale. 7am - 7pm. Call school if you are not sure where to vote. GO CHIEFS!!
Please copy and paste the link for information regarding meetings held last week about the school opt out. If you have any questions, call the school and inquire. The election is on August 1, 2023. Polls open from 7 am - 7 pm. GO CHIEFS!!
August 1 @ 6:30 pm will be the Fall Sport Parent/Athlete Meeting in Iroquois. VB, FB, XC, CC, and FB Sideline will be included. Please have all paperwork turned in prior to this date if possible. Comp Cheer practice begins July 31. GO SHARKS!!
Reminder: Informational meeting regarding continuation of the opt out at Iroquois school. Come to south gym at 7:00 pm for information and preparation for August 1st vote. GO CHIEFS!!
Please find the Iroquois school board agendas for next week opt out information sessions. Please plan on attending or calling the school with questions. Vote is on Aug. 1, 2023. GO CHIEFS!!
Piano camp information July 10 and 11
1st - 6th graders
Great opportunity!!
Reminder to get your sports physicals SOON! We require a physical every year so please schedule your physical as soon as possible. Fall activities begin late July/early August. Contact school for forms!! GO SHARKS!!
Reminder that the SDHSAA issues a moratorium for all coach/athlete contact and use of school facilities from July 1-7 each year. There should be NO USE of school facilities during this period. Thanks for your cooperation. Have a GREAT 4th of July week. GO SHARKS!!
Click on the following link to view the latest version of the Chief newsletter!!
Please see the attached openings or the upcoming Shark seasons. GO SHARKS!!
Here is information about a music camp opportunity in Iroquois. GO CHIEFS!!