An exciting game of “Around the World” with numbers in Kindergarten!!
Here is the link for the Washington DC virtual meeting happening at 6 tonight for current 6-9th graders who are interested in the June 2023 trip.
Meeting link:
This is the last week to order wreaths!! Orders are due by Monday October 25th! Please contact any high school student or contact the school to place your order today!!
Virtual Meeting Monday, Oct 18th at 6:00 pm for all current 6-9th grade students interested in the Washington DC trip happening June of 2023. Contact Mrs. Dant at if you have any questions.
Meeting link:
Results from Region 1B Cross Country Meet in Webster
Girls Varsity 5K (36 Runners) (Top 20 Go to State!)
-Avery Miles: 17th (23:05) *State Qualifier*
-Airabella Deysel: 32nd (26:55)
Boys Varsity 5K (40 Runners) (Top 20 Go to State)
-Tobias Arbeiter: 14th (20:06) *State Qualifier*
-Nathan Enninga: 33rd (23:49)
-Logan Pekron: 37th (25:30)
JV Girls 3K (23 Runners) (Top 10 Medaled)
-Shelby Pekron: 13th (18:37)
JV Boys 3K (28 Runners) (Top 10 Medaled)
-Patrick Decker: 13th (14:57)
Congratulations to or State qualifiers Avery and Tobias! And to all our Iroquois-Doland runners who competed today and this season!
Results for Middle School Meet at Brookings!
Top 15 Medaled
Girls 3K (21 Runners)
-Gracelynn Decker: 14th (15:03)
Boys 3K (38 Runners)
-Logan LaBrie: 9th (12:36)
-Kaiden Weinreis: 25th (14:17)
-Gavin Schneider: 30th (15:19)
-Brody Boomsma: 33rd (15:36)
-Bryxx Bawek: 37th (20:11)
Great last Middle School race of the season! You worked hard and improved each race! Good luck to the 7th Graders and high schoolers running at the region meet (JV & Varsity) on Thursday!
If you would like to order Wreaths or Sprays online you can place an order at and enter code IROQUOSD003 before October 25th. Thank You for your support.
Reminder of cooler weather approaching: Please have your children dress with warmer clothes for bussing, recess, outdoor PE, and other activities in the cold. Thank you. GO CHIEFS!!
Region CC meet scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13 has been moved to Thursday, Oct. 14. The meet will be begin at NOON on Thursday. GO CHIEFS!!
The Iroquois school board meeting scheduled for tonight has been postponed to Wednesday, October 13 at 6:30 pm. The 5-6 GBB scheduled for tonight in Iroquois has been cancelled due to conflicts in schedules. GO CHIEFS!!
Reminder: School is IN SESSION on Monday, October 11 in Iroquois. See you all in the morning. GO CHIEFS!!
Changes to FB schedule: We have CANCELLED the game on Monday versus Wolsey-Wessington. However we WILL play at Arlington on Monday in JV FB at 5:00 pm. Please call the school with any questions. GO CHIEFS!!
Results from yesterday's Howard Cross Country Meet
Varsity Boys 5k (58 Runners)
-Nathan Enninga: 43rd (21:14)
Girls JV 4k (14 Runners)
-Airabella Deysel: 2nd (18:57)
-Reganne Miles: 5th (21:27)
Boys JV 4k (21 Runners)
-Logan LaBrie: 2nd (16:51)
-Kaiden Weinreis: 13th (20:37)
Great job runners! Congratulations to Nathan, who finished his first 5k, and both the JV girls and boys who all had amazing races!
FCCLA Members are attending Fall Leadership in Huron. Members are learning about FCCLA and planning events for the year.
Iroquois Junior Post Prom Wreath Sales kick off today!! Please contact the school or any Iroquois High School Student to order before October 25th!!!
FB Fans: Unfortunately we need to CANCEL our JV contest for Monday, October 4 v Great Plains Lutheran. We WILL have our JH game versus Wolsey-Wessington at 6:00 pm. JV Parents WILL BE introduced at 5:50 pm prior to the JH contest. GO CHIEFS!!
Preschool, Kindergarten and First graders learning all about the Sanford Underground Lab
Celebrating Johnny Appleseed!
Parent's night for JVFB will take place on Monday, October 4 between the JH and JV games, about 6:00 pm. Parent's night for CC will be during the VB match on Tuesday, Oct. 5 between the JV and Varsity matches, about 7:00 pm. GO CHIEFS!!
We have added a JVFB game to the schedule on Friday, Oct 1. We will be playing in Graceville, MN at 3:30 pm. Leaving Iroquois at 11:15 am. GO CHIEFS!!