My apologies for the confusion. IF we have school on Tuesday, December 16, WE WILL HAVE PK starting at 10:00 am. Again my apologies. GO CHIEFS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
We will have a 10:00 am Start on Tuesday, December 13 in Iroquois. GO CHIEFS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Elementary students had fun playing in the snow during recess building mini snowmen and snow angels.
about 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Mini Snowman
Elementary student council is excited to announce the elementary dress up days for next week and their movie choices for the morning movie party on Wednesday, December 21st!!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Elementary Christmas Dress Up Days
Christmas Movie Parent Letter
The GBB game - ILP v Arlington - scheduled for tonight in Lake Preston has been postponed. We are currently looking for a makeup date. GO SHARKS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Families: As we look ahead to next week's weather forecast, if we would happen to cancel school for a day, we WILL PLAN ON HAVING SCHOOL on Friday, December 16. Please plan accordingly. GO CHIEFS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
We have uploaded some Carnegie Math Resources to the school website. We will be uploading other materials as they become available to us. Thank you to those who attended the meeting last night. We Are Iroquois!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Nolte
HS/MS dress up days next week!!!
about 2 years ago, Sheri Kogel
For Thursday at Rutland: It's on youtube, and you can find it by going to the Rutland School District homepage and clicking on the livestream tab or just go to youtube and type in Rutland School District 39-4. GO SHARKS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
For the Shark contests in Lake Preston, here is the new livestream link. Let the school know if you have any questions. GO SHARKS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday Dec. 7th at 6:00pm in the South Gym we will be having a parent meeting with Patti from Carnegie Learning to discuss the current math curriculum. Please come with questions and concerns. We Are IROQUOIS!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Nolte
Fruit has been sorted and is ready to be picked up and delivered. Please get your fruit collected as soon as possible. Any questions please call the school.
about 2 years ago, Sheri Kogel
Our daughter came to Iroquois this year as a sophomore. We liked the idea of a smaller environment and a 4 day school week. What we didn’t anticipate is the close knit family feel. It has been such a welcoming and calming environment where each student/family and their needs are their top priority. I’m so glad we stepped out of our comfort zone and made the change. Mike & Candace M
about 2 years ago, Jeff Nolte
PK-12th grade vocal concert tonight at 6:30. The students are all ready to perform for you and wish you all a Merry Christmas!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
K-2 Singers
whole elem singers
pk singers
Congratulations to Kaylee Moorehead for being selected as a Legislative Page for the 2023 Session. WE ARE IROQUOIS!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Nolte
Page Letter
"I like it here in Iroquois. It's the best school I've been to, and I am proud to be here. It changed my grades and improved me as a human being. In the last school I had no hope of graduating and going to college, but now I am glad to say that I set a goal for my future and plan on going into college. This school has washed off all of my doubts and made me more confident in myself. We are Iroquois!" Say H (Student)
about 2 years ago, Jeff Nolte This is the link to the Iroquois/Lake Preston Basketball apparel sale. Open until December 7. GO SHARKS!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Happy Thanksgiving!! The Iroquois elementary student council made a "Thankful Tree" in the elementary hallway. All elementary students and staff were given a leaf to write what they were thankful for and put it on the tree.
about 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Thankful tree
Happy Thanksgiving!! We hope your family enjoys great food, great times, and great fellowship! We Are Iroquois!!
about 2 years ago, Mike Ruth
Around 100 students and loved ones attended Read N Roll this morning. Everyone enjoyed a cinnamon roll and juice while reading or playing reading games together. Was so fun to see so many loved ones attend. If you were unable to attend this morning, we will host another one later this school year. Thank you Laci Huls for making the delicious cinnamon rolls for us!!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Burma
Enjoying cinnamon roll with loved ones
reading with loved ones
Reading together
ooooh which one should I pick