This is an event for parents to attend if they are interested in learning more about the realities of underage drinking and illegal drugs use. It will also prepare them to talk with their youth about these issues. See attached flyer for details.
9 months ago, Judy Frandsen
Parents Night Out
We will be having a REGULAR SCHOOL DAY TOMORROW, Friday, April 19 to make up for our snow day on March 25!! GO CHIEFS!!
9 months ago, Mike Ruth
There are still a few spots open for driver's ed this summer! Call the office with questions or to register!
9 months ago, Zachary Wipf
The junior class and their parents would like to thank everyone who helped make post prom a success. Everyone had a blast watching the hypnotist, spending time with friends and of course the great prizes they all received! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated prizes and snacks!
9 months ago, Jodi Burma
post prom goers
hypnotist 1
hypnotist 2
hypnotist 3
hypnotist 4
hypnotist 5
hypnotist 6
hypnotist 7
hypnotist 8
At Iroquois Middle School, Mrs. Weir's kindergarten class and the 8th-grade Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) class teamed up for a special project. The kindergarteners drew their own monster pictures, and the 8th graders used felt, buttons, and colorful threads to turn those drawings into cute plush dolls. This project taught both groups of students new skills and brought everyone together in a fun way. The unveiling ceremony was filled with excitement and laughter, showing how working together can make something special for the whole school to enjoy.
10 months ago, Vicki Dant
Congratulations to Iroquois FFA members, Nathan and Becca for attaining their State Degree! Their award will be given to them at this year’s SD State FFA Convention!
10 months ago, Ally Johnson
State Degree
Congratulations to Iroquois FFA members, Kali and Avah for qualifying for the SD State FFA Convention as individuals in the Floriculture event! 💐Be sure to wish them luck!!
10 months ago, Ally Johnson
Congratulations to Iroquois FFA member, Kirby for qualifying for the SD State FFA Convention as an individual in the Livestock Judging event! 🐂Be sure to wish him luck!!
10 months ago, Ally Johnson
Congratulations to the Iroquois Natural Resources CDE Team on qualifying for the SD State FFA Convention! 🎣Be sure to wish them luck!!
10 months ago, Ally Johnson
Reminder the Shark Athletic Banquet is TONIGHT at 6:30 pm in Iroquois. Athletes are requested to dress up for this event and Iroquois athletes are requested to bring a salad to pass for the meal. Thank you. GO SHARKS!!
10 months ago, Mike Ruth
First grade learned about the Solar Eclipse today in science and then made their own crowns in observance of the solar eclipse.
10 months ago, Jodi Burma
Solar eclipse
All juniors and seniors will be attending the Huron Business & Career Fair in the Huron Event Center on April 17th. We will be leaving the school at 10:00 am. Our time will be from 10:30-12:00 noon. Since we will miss our lunchtime at the school, we will stop in Huron and let the students buy lunch in town or they can bring a sack lunch for the day.
10 months ago, Judy Frandsen
John Stiegelmeier, former football coach at SDSU, will be speaking to Iroquois and Lake Preston students, athletes, and families tonight at 6:30 pm in LP. Plan to join us at this exciting event. GO SHARKS!!
10 months ago, Mike Ruth
FCA flyer
If you have a student in 6, 7, 8 or 11 grade, please make sure they bring their fully charged Chromebook and the charger to school for testing through next week!
10 months ago, Judy Frandsen
If you have a student in 6, 7, 8 or 11 grade, please encourage them to bring their own "wired" headphones for testing which starts Tuesday, April 2nd! Bluetooth headphones are not allowed!
10 months ago, Judy Frandsen
Reminder we WILL HAVE A REGULAR SCHOOL day on Friday, April 5. GO CHIEFS!!
10 months ago, Mike Ruth
Elementary State testing will begin on Monday, April 8th. Fifth grades students will test from April 8th to April 11th. Third grade students will test from April 15th through April 19th. Fourth grade students will test April 22nd through April 25th. Please be sure your child is well-rested during testing!
10 months ago, Judy Frandsen
The Easter bunny visited the elementary classrooms this morning!
10 months ago, Jodi Burma
kindergarten 3
kindergarten 2
1st grade
2nd grade
State Testing is right around the corner! April 2-5-6th, 7th, 8th and 11th grade students will take the ELA and Math tests. April 8 & 9-8th and 11th grade students will take the Science test. Please make sure your student is well-rested for testing!
10 months ago, Judy Frandsen
In Mr Wipf's class, the 6th graders are about to finish up their chapter on Ancient Greece. How can you learn about Ancient Greece without covering the Olympics? Today, the class split into teams and participated in minute-to-win-it games! Mr Wipf even made them all olive branch crowns!
10 months ago, Zachary Wipf