Fabulous First Grade
Welcome to First Grade at Iroquois Elementary.
Parent communication: This school year I am using Remind! Most of you are probably familiar with it. I am limited to how many characters I can put in a message. Be ready on Thursday for multiple messages! If you do message me at home please know that I will get to you as soon as I can.
Snack: First grade will have snack every day. We will have a snack calendar that will rotate student’s names. If you are able to donate extra snacks that would be wonderful!
We will have a small class so parents may need to provide snack a couple times a month. If a snack is forgotten, I get it life happens, I hope to have extra snacks at school; however, if there aren’t any left unfortunately we will not have snack.
If a snack is not individually packed then it will be put in Dixie cups and distributed that way.
Iroquois school is PEANUT AND NUT FREE.
Reading: Please read with your child every day. I encourage 20 minutes a day!!! Have your child read to you and you please read to them. Books we read in small group will be sent home, once if not twice a week. Decodable readers will be sent home almost every day. They are not the most interesting books but they reinforce skills we learned in the classroom. Please read those every day and keep at home.
Spelling: First 6 weeks of school, we will not have spelling test. The spelling words will be sent in the weekly newsletter for the upcoming week. A spelling test will be every Thursday.