2023-24 Scholarships

Be sure to check deadlines by calling or emailing the scholarship sponsor. Do not complete scholarships unless you have contacted them.

Do not complete scholarship applications if you do not meet the qualifications. Share your writing with a teacher before applying to ensure you will submit the highest quality of application possible to the contest.

If you find broken links please report them to Mrs. Frandsen. Thank you!

Other Scholarships

ACTE Scholarship

AES Engineering Scholarship

AGC of SD Scholarships

Alert Magazine Scholarship Contest

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

American Bank & Trust Scholarship

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships

American Legion Educational Scholarship

Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Central

Basic Electric Power Cooperative

BBB Student of Integrity Award Scholarships

Beauty Changes Lives Scholarship

Big Sun Athletic Scholarships

Board of Regents Scholarships

Book & Bucket Scholarship

Brookings Area Ag Scholarship

Build Dakota Scholarship Fund

Burger King Scholarship

Chamber Agricultural Committee Ag Scholarship

Coca-Cola Scholarship

Cooke Foundation Scholarship

Coupon Chief Scholarship

Critical Needs Teaching Scholarship

Dakotaland FCU Scholarship

Dakota Corps Scholarship

Dakota Energy Cooperative Scholarships

Dakota Valley Conference Scholarship

Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships

Eco-Warrior Scholarship

Eastern Chapter South Dakota Engineering Society

Elks Scholarships

Epsilon Sigma Alpha Scholarship

Equitable Excellence Scholarship

FirstNet Scholarship

First District Development Company

Flavorful Futures Scholarship

Freedom Scholarship South Dakota

Future Farmer's of America Scholarships

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship

Grand Lodge of SD Scholarship

GROW Ag Leaders

Hagan Scholarships

Hagan/Harvey Scholarship

Hatterscheidt Foundation Scholarship

Healthcare Leaders Scholarship

Heisman HS Scholarship

Helena HomegrownScholarship

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

HomeGrown Helena Scholarship

Horatio Alger

Huron Area Chamber & Visitors Bureau Agriculture Committee Scholarship

Huron Regional Medical Center Scholarships

Other Scholarships

Huron Regional Medical Center Auxilary

Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota "Serving Others"

Iroquois Booster Club Dollars for Scholars

IvyPanda Video Competition

Jackie Robinson Scholarship

Jakob Hohm Scholarship

JFK Foundation Essay Scholarship

JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship

Kendal Thompson Memorial Scholarship

Kingbrook Rural Water System Scholarship

Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarships

Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

Michael J. Entringer Classics Scholarship

Mid-Dakota Rural Water System

Mike and Sarah Schulte Scholarship

National Honor Society

Next Generation Scholarship

Otto Rusch Scholarship

POET Never Satisfied Scholarship

Prevention Magazine Scholarship

Richard Hagen-Minerva Harvey Memorial Scholarship

Rusch Scholarship

Sanford Health Scholarships

SDPHCC Scholarship

SDEA Educator Scholarships

SD Elks Career & Tech Ed. Scholarship

SDSTE Scholarship

SD Coaches Association Scholarships

SD Engineering Society Scholarship Eastern Chapter

SD Freedom Scholarship

SD Sheriffs' Association Scholarship

SD Telecommunications Association Memorial Scholarship

SD Weedfighters Scholarship

Sioux Falls Community Foundation Scholarships

South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship

South Dakota Farmers Union Scholarship

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarships

South Dakota Fireman Scholarship

South Dakota Grand Commandery Knights Templar

South Dakota Masons Scholarship

South Dakota DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants

Stromberg's Scholarship Program

Texkota Panel & Gate Scholarship

United Methodist Scholarships

USA Softball of SD

Valley FiberCom Scholarship

Vantage Huron Student-Athlete of the Month

Varsity Tutors Monthly Scholarship Contest

Wells Fargo Scholarship Program for People with Disabilities

What's your BIG Idea?

Wild Scholarship